Why does it feel good to be bad?

Good or bad is the game of perception that our mind plays. And women who are over anxious and are more than willing to please; have a clear notion and demarcation of what is good or bad.  But how far is it going to carry her in life?

The good, the bad and the Ugly!

As a child it is drilled in us that we must always smile so that the other person is always smiling. We should lay down our dreams, aspirations and much more to ensure that our families are comfortable. Are we some sort of toy that you would command and we would start dancing to make you happy? Are we going to be labeled as good, just because I am a WOMAN and I can’t cause Woe to anyone. The irony of the word is not lost on me and hopefully either on you. Being bad and doing what your heart and brain provokes may be offensive, but being good is tiresome.

The ugly truth

A woman who is confident, fierce, goes after what she believes in and is a force to reckon with wins a fight every day. With people trying to pull her down on every step, every pseudo feminist while talking about the importance of equality do not understand. Being good is draining the energy that can be utilized in taking care of herself.


In the history of humanity, there has been a phase where women were burned on pyre, they were hunted down and tortured. The only reason was they were free thinkers1 Radical thinkers are the ones who can take charge and change their life and people around them. They are selfish because they believe in nothing else but themselves. Now, is that so wrong? I have spent a good amount of my adult life in making others happy! And where am I now? At the age of 40, feeling like 60. Drained, tired and want nothing but to doze off into oblivion! A woman is not a witch in the biblical self. She needs to be a witch in the contemporary sense- Woman in Total Control of Herself.


Being a bitch has been considered by many as a very stern step. But is it really the case? Do we really need to be so over-thinkers? Why can’t we be bitch to all those who are insignificant. Start by creating a list- and the list should be made for all those who depend on you and those who do not. I too was tempted to create a list that included my family. The constant need to take care of them; thinking what would happen to them if I stop taking care? But it is the time to just ensure that you are not sinking while making sure they are swimming.

It does not matter what name others give you. The distinction between what is good and what is bad is going to cause a lot of confusion.  But when you put yourself first is how you may be bad but definitely it feels SOOO good. Accept the ugliness of the truth that as soon as you start putting yourself first, there would be many frowns but you would be satisfied that you followed your heart and that adds meaning to it all. Be elfish, be fierce in action and people around you would object but they would accept and move on.

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