Just add a smile


Not every day is your day. There would be days that you feel totally drained. The family, the house work and office work is taking away all your time and you feel lost? Well donโ€™t worry, just add a smile once in a while and feel the positivity all around.

We are aware of these amazing benefits of smiling and yet we forget. We let our other emotions rule and ruin our day. Just turn the frown upside down to experience the day for whatever it is worth it and so much more. Some of the amazing benefits of smiling everyday are

It makes you look attractive

Yes ladies, it makes you look younger and attractive.  People are drawn to those who smile. It is a physically attractive feature. People do not like to look at frowns and sad faces. So, smile a lot if you want to pass on a good vibe to a stranger.

It is a stress buster

If you are under stress, just add a smile to your day and see stress melting away. Stress is like a dark cloud raining on your parade. A smile on the other hand is a small vacation to give you unlimited good memories. Stress gives you frown lines and undereye circles, why would anyone want to get that deliberately? Smile and the stress would be relieved. It is helpful for you and those around you. Smiling releases endorphins and serotonin which helps bring down the stress level down.

 It lifts you up

When feeling down and low, just a bit of smile can lighten up the mood and lift the spirits. Smile deliberately and trick your brain that you are no longer sad. Women all around know this that if you feel low, people who care for you also feel sad. Do yourself a favor- just add a smile to your day and be chirpy and happy. Smiling is contagious, if you smile people around you do too. And like a chain reaction all will be good in no time.

It lowers BP

Because of low tolerance level, it is essential to keep the blood pressure in check, thus adding a smile to simply bring down the stress and thus the blood pressure will drop too.

It is a perfect face yoga

We all want to look young and thus we apply what not to our faces to feel youthful. Smiling is in fact a great way to exercise your face muscles. All the muscles lift up. Frown on the other hand brings the skin down and thus gives you wrinkles and the skin loses its elasticity. Smile to keep your facial skin feel tout and youthful.

 It keeps the other person guessing

Adding a smile to your day makes you feel confident. It conveys your conviction and thus makes the other person feel clueless and would want to find the reason. It not only boosts your confidence but also emits positivity all around.

Why feel sad and low when you can just add a bit of a smile and bring in the sunshine to your gloomy day. Try these and you will find that; It is never too late to bring positivity all around and be happy! Just add a smile!


About the featured image
“Smile” A Mandala art work by Deepika Badlani

Complete happiness is to feel it from inside and outside too. Smile is natural if it comes from happiness. Stress, over thinking, expectations are main reasons for unhappiness. I am an art teacher and this month I am celebrating #mandalamonth. Join my online classes to discover your inner self through the ancient art of Mandala painting.

Deepika Badlani, Art Teacher, Calligraphist and art healer.

1 thought on “Just add a smile”

  1. This post made me smile! Haha. Smiles are amazing, powerful things that we don’t do much but should! ๐Ÿ™‚ I consciously made an effort to smile right after. Thanks for sharing! ๐Ÿ™‚

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