It is that time of the year when most of us are looking back at the time that has been spent and the time that is about to come. Yes as the New Year approaches we all are trying to remember what promises we made to ourselves in the month of January. But do we follow them throughout the year and isn’t it the same kind of resolutions year after year after year- I would work harder, party harder, eat right, live right etc. But do we actually need New Year Resolutions? We will find out
Making resolutions is futile
Making resolutions is like a trap where we are aware that we will not be able to follow it throughout the year and we would definitely fail. It is the human tendency that unless we are adamant and make our will power strong we can never actually sees it through.
Making resolution is more of a trend
Like any other social trends, making New Year resolutions gets you all excited and them one week or even one month into the New Year the excitement fades away and thus we are back to square one.
Resolutions are unrealistic goals
We tend to set up goals that are unrealistic. We usually focus on those things that are not really going right in our life. A person who is trying to get fit, usually resolute to become healthy and trim by the end of 6 months or even a year. But this journey is a lifelong battle that a person needs to fight throughout your life. Setting up unrealistic goals is going to set you up for failures.
Instead of following these NY resolutions, if you wish to set up your goals you need to take up these steps.
Make realistic small goals
Short term goals will help you break down your aim and channelize your energy in the right direction. Make plans for short duration like 15 minutes for one month I will give to my health or I will take out one day in a month to be with myself and rediscover.
Make qualitative goals over quantitative
Those goals which add quality to your life are more achievable rather than those who add simple quantity. Make sure that the life should be full of happy memories and not long with a few memories.
Make your goal today from now
Why do we need to wait for the New Year to make a resolution? Why not do it now and from today? Procrastination is the biggest buzz killer. Why do we need an arbitrary date to start off something good? Why can’t we start something right, right now?
New Year is the time to celebrate a new year with a chance for new beginnings. Making resolutions is just going to dampen the fun. Setup goals for now and today, not from Jan, 1st every year following the same traditions is making you stagnant. Try to change your habit and see how your everyday improves.
Kindly let us know what do you think and how do you plan to celebrate your New Year?
A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.
Yes u are right,we can set our goals any time there is no need to wait for the new year.
Its not the resolution that will effect or have a positive impact over ur year but the small small effort u take to make urself better and living more joyful and happy.
.Women’s empowerment is all about equipping and allowing women to make life-determining decisions through the different problems in society. By the words of this article i can feel the zeal for contributing and working over its words
Yep. Make a goal and go for it.
“All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim,have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high,one which sometime seemed impossible”
New year resolution are taken to make ourself better in the upcoming year. But it depends on the person who is taking the resolution that how much he/she can owe to their resolution