You only get one shot at life & Sin-Ply Pretty show us how to take aim

Sin-Ply Pretty

How do you describe yourself?
I am someone who continues to be fascinated by life and believe the world is my oyster. I am a doctor by profession but also love reading, writing and traveling. My Father had a transferable job and with him we too travelled to many cities thus I was exposed to various cultures early in my life which could have been the reason I mostly choose food and health for my blogs.

When you are passionate about something, time is never a hindrance

Sin-Ply Pretty

Being a doctor, avid book reader and a blogger, how do you manage all the varied fields?
When you are passionate about something, time is never a hindrance. You learn to prioritize and tackle first things first. While my work hours are fixed, I reserve one hour before bedtime for reading and blogging happens throughout the day – the ideas keep popping and I just write them down at the first opportunity.

Did such an occasion ever arise when the doctor and the love for food ever contradict?
I get that a lot from people around me but I think it is possible to love food and stay healthy because the food we grew up with is mostly healthy and the answer lies more in checking the balance – how much you eat and how you assimilate it. One can eat pakoras and still be healthy provided we eat only to fill our stomach and exercise regularly.

Be kind to yourself

Sin-Ply Pretty

You follow your passion with a beautiful smile, what would you like to tell the young women entrepreneurs?
To all the young women, I would say this, ”Believe in yourself and the power of your dreams but remember to be kind to yourself because success is not about not falling, success is about picking yourself up after every fall and moving forward. Also it is never too late to start, so if there is something that you want to start or pursue, just go for it!”

Please tell me about sinfully, pleasurable pretty. I mean your personal blog, (BTW they rightfully describe you)!
Thanks ! I am suitably flattered!
I actually started blogging as I wanted an escape from the grind and grimness of my clinical work,a place where I could indulge myself, be the Preeti without the doctor attached to it. My blog ‘Sin-ply Pretty’ is an extension of me as a person , my loves ,my desires, my fears etc. I am happy that over a period of time (even though I have been guilty of not being very regular in my writing) I have developed a niche readership that loves my posts and is my motivation to keep writing. Blogging also helped me meet many wonderful like-minded people and I have learnt a lot from them. My blog is also a platform for me where I try to create awareness and speak for issues that are close to my heart.

I am thankful to my family, patients and all my readers who have helped me grow and reach this level.

Promoting the use of stainless steel glasses and straws.

Social media and Website links

My blog link

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