A question that has baffled many and still continues to confuse. What does self-reliant mean? How is it different from being Independent?
Independence is a part of self reliance. Relying on nothing else but you, is being self reliant. The power that one possesses and the resources that one has rather than depending on others to fulfill your social, economic, emotional needs is self-reliance.
In order to be self-reliant, you do not need to stop living in a house and move to a cottage in the jungle. These are simple, doable steps that you would have to take.
Be your own best friend
When you hand over the key to your life to a third person, you are setting yourself up to fail. The expectations rise in such codependent relationships because there is dependency to keep your friend happy. In order to do so, sometimes you lose sight of your own goals. The best friend option is available only for yourself.
Accept yourself and then be confident
The essential work to be done is on your own self. Accept the person you are, don’t think you can drastically change. Evolution is a continuous process but first accept who you are. Be confident in your abilities.
Take an informed decision
While trying to take a simple or even a huge decision make sure you have weighed all the pros and cons and then take action on it. Do not depend on someone else to help you with it.
Do not rely on things or people
Being self-reliant means to not get fixated on something or someone for your happiness. You will fall into a loop of expectations and how they fail. Such happiness is derived only for a short duration.
Set some goals, but for yourself
You can only know and be a good judge of your capabilities. The goals should also be set by you. In the same way you should not let anyone depend on you either.
Being Self Reliant is essential for everyone. Especially women who have an urge to lead a life for someone else- parents, lover, husband, kids and a job. But we, women need to learn to be self-reliant and serve only ourselves. In that lies true peace, happiness and empowerment.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.
India has the resources to provide such infrastructure where our own “Make in India” companies can grow and invite foreign investment. Developed infrastructure will usher in a Modern India, a Self-Reliant India.