This is no extra ordinary post, but it is special to me for numerous reasons. I have been writing for a very long time. Not just article writing, blank versed poems but anything and everything that I thought of. I had a dream, that I wanted to read and be able to write as good as those writers. Well, if not as good, I found my voice and a platform and I became a writer!
1. My Voice
We all have our opinion; we like to put it across. I always thought that I am not a good orator, somehow, I am timid and thus I can’t put my thoughts across the table very well. While back in college, a group of friends picked out a habit of writing birthday wishes in the form of a letter. And there the journey began!
We all wrote to each other on birthdays and then when we had a fight or about anything that was bothering us. We wrote it out all on paper. I found my voice this way. Every time the reader’s eyes would go through each word; I could feel their reaction and my heart fluttered. Even now from writing the article, to submitting and getting it published; my heart beats a bit more than usual. It is after all my opinion that I am unleashing.
It is my voice!
2. My Journal
With each piece that I write, I pour my heart out. Even when it is a poem that may not make any sense, it is my way of thinking and it makes complete sense to me. Every article that I write is my feeling poured out in a structural manner. Even when the topic has to be researched, a part of my soul goes into writing it. And yes! I learn a lot from it too.
3. My Passion
I write and therefore I am! This holds true for me in literal sense. Life is a long lesson. We learn many new things and we apply them too. But when a person’s passion becomes the purpose it has a magical feel to it. I pray to God every day that as I grow older, the ability to express and my fingers to type or write should not diminish. I am because I write.
The first thing I want to do when I wake up is to take up my notebook to write something. And the day seems to go well.
4. My Personal Therapy
I have tried a few therapies and after a while all of them stop working. I can’t seem to stop the chatter in my mind, but when I write, I have a better focus, a better thinking process and a satisfaction of creating something so awesome that I sit back and wonder, if in fact these are my words?
It is one therapy that has worked so well for me. I have become calm, and can concentrate better and even juggle not just the words but also actions. My entire focus is not on what I would get by writing all this, but that my articulated words mean a lot to me and to my readers.
I have tried to think about the reason why I write and what writing mean to me! But the answers I received is not what I perceived. As a child I always thought that being a writer is not a glamorous job but is most definitely a romantic one. To woo the one, you love with just an article! What a dream it was! But I found something more meaningful and therapeutic in this (definitely not glamorous and I am fine with it!).
Writing is not just expression of a few words in correct grammar, it is to know how to put what you feel on paper.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.
Writing is indeed a therapy. I love therapy.