Dreams turn into passion and passion is the motivation that drives you every day. You compete with yourself to excel and do better than yesterday. That kind of approach is what makes you achieve your big dream. Sameeksha, along with her husband Tushar, had big plans and they are on their way to attain them and much more.
She belonged to a family who wanted her to grow, irrespective of what the villagers said. Sameeksha was the topper in her school and when she tried to study more, she did not get enough support. She wanted the exposure to grow and fly. She tried to move out to explore better opportunities.
From a young age, despite their family conditions, her mother never allowed anything to come in the way of her children’s education. She faced all the hardships herself alone. Being a single mother in a setup where girl’s education is not promoted as much, she stood against all odds. It is this kind of mother – daughter relationship that Sameeksha today has with her daughter, one of complete trust and love.

Her stubbornness proved as she managed to step out of her boundaries and came to Bangalore. Here she had the freedom to choose. She decided to get a job in the accounts department of a small manufacturing unit. But that thirst to do more was never quenched.
People say marriage responsibilities bury the ambitions for many. had that fire that could not be extinguished that easily. Tushar and his family were the right push and support that she needed. When Tushar’s cousin suggested running their start-up, it felt as if it was the obvious next step.

Give it all or Nothing
To be prepared to start a business, one must cover all the bases. One needs to be fully equipped. The idea is straightforward, but it needs to have a lot of clarity and resilience. Jobs are just that- A Job, but when you want to do more, a side hustle is what can give you financial independence. But it requires an open mind.
The Side Gig
The thought is straightforward. Something that can be done even after the regular 9 to 5 job. In Sameeksha’s case, she quit her job and turned her side hustle full time. Bhat International came into being a side hustle and helped people looking for such gigs.

Sameeksha and Tushar help students, homemakers, and anyone interested in start-ups. They provide them with the proper training, help them mentally and match them with dealers who can help set up. One can not simply present a business idea; it needs to be channelized and researched in depth. Sameeksha and her husband went through the same; they read several books and heard many podcasts and then some more research. They initiate the new members and provide them with the same information. Financially sound mentality and willpower to grow and dream are what gets them going and that is how they help others.

Failures can teach you a lot. They can sometimes break the back of your dreams. But to turn that into a life lesson and initiate that value is the purpose of Sameeksha’s venture. It is never to dream big and become financially independent.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.
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