Bryant McGill once wrote- “We don’t stop being beautiful, we stop believing we are beautiful”
Beauty is not what is endorsed by the media. A beautiful (full of plastics and makeup) woman appearing on these media outlet is the unrealistic standard that has been created. Christina Aguilera crooned- “I am beautiful! No matter what they say, words can’t bring me down” and it resonates so well with the woman of today who is beautiful inside out.
Nari is an epitome of grace and beauty. Her charms, her looks, her attitude; everything is simply gorgeous. Despite the fact that every culture has different standards of beauty what remains constant is her inner strength that increases her beauty. It scintillates the mind and soul and attracts the senses.
The Super Woman
The man of steel was part alien and thus he possessed supernatural powers. He is an imaginary character that inspired many youngsters. But the woman of today is truly the woman of steel. She takes on every role and aces in it! Be it a friend, mother, sister or wife; she handles all of them so well. Her strength to play all these roles and sometimes simultaneously is what makes her beautiful. She remains unfazed in all situations. She is the Superwoman (NariSakti).
The Confident Strut
Confidence and the strong will are the things that most women never get any credit for. But it is not only admirable but envious. They walk tall and are aware of their worth and accept themselves as they are. The aura of the confident woman is beautiful. She doesn’t care about how she is looking and what she is wearing when she wears her confidence well! It is the quality that drives the opposite sex crazy. She can accept the good, the bad and the ugly with panache!
The Killer Smile
When a person is happy from inside, the glow is magical. Spreading this happiness one smile at a time is what beautiful Nari does best. A smile that touches not just the lips but makes the eye sparkle can illuminate and disarm the onlookers. This is pure beauty!
A beautiful mind, heart and soul are what the world needs now. Not the made up versions. All the above comes from within. It is the inner strength that enhances the beauty. Take pride in being this beautiful person!
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A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.
woman of substance