Life is all about changes. Things are changing everyday and nothing remains stationary or the same. So why should our opinion remain the same, our tastes should change too. We should move ahead and evolve for the better. To influence someone, I had to first bring a change in myself and I am still trying to be better.
I am Himani Goyal, an artist that gives words to animals about the cruelty we humans inflict upon them. I am pursuing a Masters Degree in Fine Arts and painting is my speciality. I am an artist who is passionate about putting my opinion across through my paintings.
Visuals have more and long-lasting effect on the brain as compared to written words. People are able to connect easily through something that they see rather than what they might hear or read. Taking this factor into consideration I mixed my artistic form with passion and came up with the idea of Humane Art. The art form that invokes empathy in all those who look at my paintings.
It was in 2013 when I came across the official page of PETA. I could barely watch it for a few minutes. I realized that for our selfish reasons like food, clothing and accessories we are actually spoiling the future of ourselves and our kids. I wanted to change this, hence Humane Art.
Painting has been my hobby, as far as I can remember. Over the years studying in detail has given my life a meaning and passion. I look after local animals, taking care of these animals has become my life mission.
I put up posts related to animals being slaughtered or harmed so that we humans can look good. The kind of ill treatment that goes on in animal shelters is beyond comprehension. When I put up a story on social media, many followers object as to why I put up such pictures. What they would not understand is that my love for these animals and my concern for their well-being moves me.
I am a work in progress! I do not eat eggs and gave up non-vegetarian food a long time back. I want to become a complete vegan and one day I will. My humane art deals with real life stories of real heroes – these animals.
My friends are quite considerate of my passion and my art form. They don’t order non veg items on the menu when I am with them. One of my dearest friends said that she will try to give up and that small gesture means something to me.
Yes, I am sensitive and I am here to sensitize the people all around to stop and listen. Even the animals have emotions and they also feel hurt when they are harmed. My belief is that if I can change, my sensitivity can help others come on this drive to save our animals.

I am Manisha Yadav, Founder and Ideologue of Narisakti. MBA Student and Digital Marketing expert, I take your brand online and help you reach more customers.