
All that what you wanted to know about MUAs – Kriti Chhabra explains


Makeup is much more for women. It is a means to express oneself, to brighten up the day or simply because we like it. A make-up artist helps to understand what is the best way to shine. Why makeup is important? Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Makeup is a tool to enhance beauty […]

All that what you wanted to know about MUAs – Kriti Chhabra explains Read More »

How can you solve the anxious challenges of the married woman?

the married woman

Silent moment (1998), an etching painting by the famous printmaker, Anupam Sud, shows a contemplating woman. Through her artwork, I see the married woman saddened at losing her identity and hope for a bright life. She loses the energy, zeal, strength, and time to be herself while playing repetitive roles as a daughter, a wife,

How can you solve the anxious challenges of the married woman? Read More »

Interview with Aastha Kalra – Co Founder of Business Mates Delhi

Aastha Kalra

Business Mates Delhi is launching their largest ever group BM7. After speaking to their founder we turned our attention to Aastha Kalra who is the chip whip and enforces the rules. Define Business Mates as per your interpretation Networking is not just about making money. It is there to grow your confidence, face competition, encourage

Interview with Aastha Kalra – Co Founder of Business Mates Delhi Read More »



Both kids adults alike, are mesmerised by her spirit free Genius eyes with a wonderful piercing look Carrying own wallet in her purse she goes shopping spree Apron sans any stars, there is no dish her hands cannot cook Mix of passion & compassion, her voice melts a lover’s heart Her eyes is a resolve

She Read More »

How is the life of an entrepreneur different – Interview with Venuka Jaitly (contd)

life of an entrepreneur

Previously we saw how Venuka Jaitly gave us details about her home decor venture. This time we put her through the paces about her thoughts on matters other than business. As a professor in a college and a techie, you are isolated in a cubicle and supposed to interact with a computer terminal. But as

How is the life of an entrepreneur different – Interview with Venuka Jaitly (contd) Read More »

An Echoing Silence


A pretty damsel  Would come out To the balcony  Every evening. A face beautifully chiseled A body delicately sculpted. Her beauty  Matchless and flawless, Could leave the beauty pageants Envious. Nevertheless, This doe-eyed beauty  Reflected deep pain.  Sometimes  She watched and whispered  To the kites soaring high, As if sending through them Her prayers and

An Echoing Silence Read More »

माँ को कभी छुट्टी नहीं मिलती

An ode to the creator

बिना नींद की रातें, माँ की झोली में है जीवन भर की सौगातें, उसको सदामिली है। माँ कभी छुट्टी नही लेती हर एक किरदार वो बहुत ही बखूबी से अदा करती है, हम सभी जानते है माँ बनने के बाद एक औरत के जीवन में समर्पण की भावना जागृत हो जाती है। वो औरत जो

माँ को कभी छुट्टी नहीं मिलती Read More »