Have you noticed how women today have relegated household work to something which is not in style? Is it a fight against the perception that if you are sitting at home means you have plenty of time. Let’s discuss.
A home maker is always available
We see our mother doing all the household work as soon as her man leaves the house. Sending the man to work and the kids to schools gives her time to focus on work. When the kids are back, they get their food and relaxation. Before the husband is back the house is neat and tidy with food ready. It is now time for her to look after him, back from a hard day’s work.
Despite being aware of the reality, a male dominated society believes that when a woman is at home, she has enough time to finish her work for the day.

Where there is no monetisation, there is no value
Women of Generation Z have grownup with access to social media and technology. This has led them to be more conscious of job prospectus and academic performance. This generation has accepted money as more important than anything else. House hold work for them holds no monetisation value because they have seen maids work for money and they are aware of their wages. Generation Z have succeeded the millennials who are considered to be financially well off due to overall growth in the world economy. This was also the generation who enjoyed living on credit.
Concept of living in the present
For the young women choosing career over everything also means living for today. That is a stark contrast with the concept of working for the future. Following up from the COVID induced lockdown, women are aware of the economic revival that has followed and they want to be a part of it. Whatever job and business opportunities are opening up are been shared equally between men and women.
They are even ready to move out of their home town for jobs if required.

We live in a materialistic world
If money factor is pitted against relations, it is the money which wins. Emotion and relationship needs time as investment. Time being a limited resource, women today are placing priority towards workplace rather than relations. Because from a female point of view, emotional investment is far more valuable and has to be done only when absolutely sure.
Far more women are choosing to have a comfortable materialistic life instead of a time consuming relationship in the confines of a house.
My identity, my life, my world
For the woman, the most important part of her life is her identity. She would do anything for keeping it. Previous generations of women marked their identity with their families and their loved ones within their homes. Women who move out of their house daily to earn money are now getting ready to accept a dual role just like their male counterparts.
Society has time and again reinforced the idea that a woman sitting at home is not doing anything special. A homemaker is not getting anything in return for her daily chores. Anyone who is thinking purely materialistic point of view will never look at doing this work as a route to gain appreciation in the family. She would rather establish an identity in the world rather than the confines of her family doing household work.
There is a quiet revolution happening in the society. Young women walking out of the house and earning enough money to pay for house help and also for the materialistic needs of her own.

I am Manisha Yadav, Founder and Ideologue of Narisakti. MBA Student and Digital Marketing expert, I take your brand online and help you reach more customers.