Bollywood movies have always shown how the tawaifs lived a royal life, greatly influenced royalties, and always enjoyed a sense of power. With the new series hitting Netflix recently, I could not help but notice that there is a lot that we can learn from these courtesans known as Tawaifs! If you study how they conduct themselves, you will see a sensual seductress and an empowered modern woman who knows her worth and how to use it to advance!
1. Dress to impress
Most of us know how to dress to get the attention of others. But for those who do not know, dressing to impress is a great way to boost your confidence. Know what suits you, and have your style! When you dress shabbily, it conveys that you lack discipline in your life and you cannot make an effort. Accentuate your sensuality and charm with your dressing style. It lifts your mood as well when you look in the mirror!
2. Maintain the illusion
Women have always been known as the fairer sex and a big mystery. Maintain the illusion, talk in a way that does not lay out your plans to others, and confide in a friend, but always ensure that no one knows your next move. Men will be hooked, and they only want to know what you are thinking and how you feel about them.
3. Be a Boss lady
Maintain that command in every step you take and demand that respect. You are a badass goddess! Be the Kali who is not afraid to show her claws! Men will feel threatened, but real men would know how to stand and follow you because you are such a bossy lady. People don’t get offended. They are usually in awe of you and want to know what you did to be this confident and commanding.
4. Be graceful and grateful
No one likes a stuck-up person full of attitude. Know where arrogance begins and humility ends. Be a bitch with a golden heart who cares, who is graceful, and who knows how to treat people who may not be as blessed. Women work hard to reach their goals. Some get there, and others take more time, but always spread your wings and remember your roots.
The tawaifs knew their strength and played to it. They taught us how women can be sensuous and command respect and power at the same time. Men used to swoon at their feet and then worship them.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.