The birth of a girl child in Punjab is an occasion for joy and happiness in the family. In anticipation of the transition which every woman has to undertake, the women folk start embroidering the Phulkari to be given away in marriage to the bride. In the courtyard, women invite their friends and relatives to gather and participate in the embroidering of the phulkari. Folk songs are sung while the ladies sit and sew and there is a life long attachment to the phulkari gifted by the mother to her daughter.
Imagine our excitement when we got to talk to Taranjeet Kaur regarding the work she does.
Q Is phulkari an art form or something bigger than that?
Ans Cloth stitching in many part of the world has always been a community thing. As machines came into picture, this activity faded away. Phulkari however is much more than an art form. It is interlinked with the history and culture of Punjab. You would be amazed by the beauty of Phulkari and the cleanliness of the design by Phulkari artists. The aim of phulkari is to bring colors to life which adds more color to the family.
Earlier the thread used to come from Afghanistan, but today we have machine made PAT thread with vibrant colors. Motifs are all traditional, mostly they are flowers, crops and birds in a pattern. It gives the message of prosperity. Phulkari is considered a blessing on happy occasions. Over the years some fixed patterns and designs have also emerged like the Darshan Dwar Phulkari but most of the designs are unique and because of that no two designs are same.
Like all art forms, this one too requires patronage. What earlier used to be traditional family work has moved to dedicated artists. Machines have come in a big way. Who knows tomorrow we might have AI spinning the traditional patterns.

Q Are machines threatening the livelihood of Phulkari artists?
Ans I know where this thought is coming from. There are many examples of machines and computers taking over manual work. But I have a different view over it. There is enough space for both to co-exist. Also during the times when phulkari work was going out of fashion, it was the machines which kept this art form alive. Today no one wants to do manual work, even in rural Punjab. Phulkari work is time consuming and pain staking.

Q What is the brand strategy for Plush Phulkari?
Ans Any art or craft form can be saved by the masses if it is pocket friendly. We are planning for more utility and decor items. Bed sheets, bags, gifting items, miniature show pieces and so on. We are experimenting with fusion designs and new motifs. It might sound like a departure from the traditional, but like any art form, it think it is evolving.
In the old days the designs were traditional and cloths woven were large. Modern times dictate that we go smaller sizes and more modern designs. So that’s where we are headed too.
Phulkari is one art form which evokes memories of rustic and rural childhood for every Punjabi. It is a craft which transcends borders. Just like so many single brand entrepreneurs, it has given me a chance to achieve something for myself and scores of artists.

I am Manisha Yadav, Founder and Ideologue of Narisakti. MBA Student and Digital Marketing expert, I take your brand online and help you reach more customers.