He saw her, and their eyes locked, and something stirred inside. They felt the attraction that only they could experience, and it was like nothing else in the world mattered. They were in their kind of bubble! Is this how a love story begins? Or do that boy and girl check each other out? Look at social profiles and see what kind of clothes they wear or the physique and color of their skin.
We live in a world where lust plays a significant role, but is it enough to sustain and carry on a relationship for life? What is the secret of those couples who are madly in love? For them, nothing matters but the mental stimulation of their partner’s company.
1. Looks disappear
We do not look the same way as we did five years back. We keep changing, evolving physically and mentally. We lose the “good” looks. Lose/ gain weight, and the body keeps altering to include the lifestyle and general life. Good looks can only take into consideration the initial attraction a person might feel.
2. Attraction is different for different people
Some people get attracted to a particular type of physique or sexual orientation. Boys feel pulled by the experience of older women, while girls feel the same pull towards a fatherly figure or bad boys! Is there a set pattern to the strange force that one might feel? Does it pass, or is it to enjoy the moment? I may find a specific trait in someone attractive, while the same may not be accurate for a friend. Is this love? Or is it just a chemical reaction? Is the body.

3. Chemical reactions
When the eyes soak in the other’s looks, a chemical reaction occurs in the brain. It is the one that feeds the neurons to feel more for that someone. It is not only the pheromones that make the opposite person attractive.
4. Lust is in no way, love
The attraction part is good only till you collide physically and emotionally. One can have an exciting conversation with a stranger and yet feel a deep connection compared to an attractive couple with nothing in common. Love develops once the lust has worn out.
Love and lust are a state of being. One can easily lust for someone based on how one presents oneself. Love sets in when you understand the person. Accept their flaws, not to change them but to let them be. Love does not see the size, age, sex, or skin color. It only considers the emotions and the thought behind it. One can be in love with oneself. It has nothing to do with procreation but everything to do with the stimulation of the mind and soul (if it stimulates the body, too, that is a cherry on the cake).

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.