When a mathematician gets into the kitchen to create beautiful looking food and even more delicious, you get a KOOK.
Q.1 How is cook spelled as KOOK? What does the word signify?
It was just a spontaneous thought. As I don’t specialize in particular cuisine or course of meal and was thinking of something which is easy for all age groups to recall. The tag line “the right food formula” signifies my love for maths as well as food.
Q.2 Your creation looks fantastic! What inspired you to get into the world of cooking and baking?
I used to cook and bake from my childhood…it just comes from the heart. I used to cook and bake for my friends and family. When I took the decision to empower myself, I thought to do what I am best at or can say confident at.
Q.3 You love to involve children and you held special workshops for kids too! Is it because of sweet tooth and their love for cakes or is it something else?
It is my love for kids.And I see my kids love cooking and baking with me. It makes them patient and creative too and somewhere they understand how much effort goes in cooking and baking.
Q.4 Would you say you are an artist or a home-chef?
I am a home chef and an artist combined in one. My venture showcases the amalgamation of both inside me.
Q.5 Your love for detailing comes out in your work; is this the message you would like to give to women all around?
It comes out naturally. So I can say do what makes you happy as it will not only make your soul happy but also helps in giving your best.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.
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