Health and happiness are two pillars of life – Tejjal Bhanshalii explains


When I was faced with a life challenge I had to make up my mind on which path to take. I choose supplements to lose weight and get back to shape. Just like you guys, even I was brought up with the idea that eating food is the best way to take in nutrients. So even for me, popping the pill was not supposed to be a good thing. As my journey progressed along, these ideas intrigued me more and more till finally I decided to take it up as a full time profession.

Elimination of toxins

My therapy begins with removing toxins from your body. Unhealthy lifestyle is a disorder which can be treated. All the toxins accumulate in your liver which leads to weight gain. It also makes you feel lethargic and not wanting to do anything. This process has got another name which is detoxification. But today detox diet is considered those which involve starving and eating little or no food at all. Starving can lead to long term damage to the vital organs of the body. Also it is true that all the weight lost by detox diets comes back once the diet is stopped.

Organic supplements have got a bad name in the market today. That is because of a few greedy people. The supplements which I source has my assurance of quality.

Angelic Healing

Everyone has his or her own guardian angels. They bless us each day and protect us from harm. In this therapy, I connect with your angels so that they can transfer energy to you. Angelic healing can also be though as energy transfer. It helps you to release blocks in your body which is stopping the flow of energy around your system. It keeps us healthy and happy with less stress. You are able to focus more on solving problems.

Sujok Seed Therapy

This therapy originated as a variation of acupressure. It works on the belief that organs in the body are connected to the larger parts of the body. Seeds are life giving force. They grow into plants and big trees. So when seeds are stuck to certain zones on our body like wrists or legs, they provide life giving energy to that organ which is connected with. In turn, the seed dries away after sometime.

The first part of my healing process is understanding the person and the problem(s). After wards it is upto me to decide which therapy or combination to be used.

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